2nd Info Newsletter CLX GA Pilots Fly In 2022 Wm New Logo
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Dear CLX GA Friends,


Dear all, we have a date and location! I want to apologize beforehand for the delayed decision and notification.


July 15th – 17th, the 3rd weekend of July has been chosen for our event. Since our July rosters will be published 4 weeks earlier, it permits us to amend bookings in a timely fashion.


The airport chosen is Trier-Fohren EDRT. It did not appear on the questionnaire but given the number of votes for Bitburg and Doncourt, at least geographically our votes have been done justice.


The organization of a Friday to Sunday event simply worked out better in Trier as well as being able to invite office colleagues and permitting those of us with less than fully accommodating rosters to attend at least partially.


Trier-Fohren Management has already approved the area that we will use being a strip to the southeast of the runway for aircraft parking and tenting. Immediately adjacent to the said strip is the restaurant Blockhaus. Except for Friday evening, the Blockhaus staff will take care of our Saturday evening Barbeque as well as the Saturday and Sunday morning Brunches.


For those coming in on Friday, restaurant Eurener Hof will host our Friday evening dinner. The Eurener Hof will also hold several rooms until our rosters are published after which they need to be confirmed. Needless to say, other hotels can be used too. A bus service will be available that will not just serve the Eurener Hof but also other hotels in the area if chosen by the attendees.


On the T-Shirt and sticker front, things are still evolving in the search for high and lasting quality. As to the activities of the Saturday, things are still open, and will be shared in the next newsletters.



Yours always,




1st Info Newsletter CLX GA Pilots Fly In 2022 Wm New Logo
PDF – 1,1 MB 150 downloads


Dear CLX GA Friends,


Thank you all for completing the initial questionnaire.


This document serves to inform about the various options available, to organise our Fly-In. The follow-up questionnaire is online and the link to it is at the end of this document. To support the questionnaire, notes and information on each airfield are under the tabs right above the picture.


In response to an earlier question pertaining to the freedom to bring family members along, any rules to this effect would perhaps be misplaced. Please bring or invite those who share or need an introduction to our passion for aviation. We are a solid core of Cargolux pilots and if we are joined by retired colleagues, ex-colleagues, Luxair or other Luxembourg-based pilots, friends, family or someone you figure just needs a break, surely the outcome will be the merrier because of it.


The challenge of participation surely leans on making free time for it and further to above, regardless of the format and length of the event, even partial participation will be welcome.


Which brings up the matter of format and length. Depending on the airfield chosen, we could opt for a 2-evening event with a Friday afternoon arrival and Sunday mid-day departure or 1-evening event with a Saturday arrival and Sunday departure.


Some airfields have events planned in July which would mostly keep us entertained during the day and other locations require us to do some more organization ourselves. Suggestions are hereby requested and very welcome.


Certainly perhaps, there may be an error or wrong assumption for one or the other airfield. Please don’t hesitate to point it out.


Looking forward to your input!



Yours always,


